Investment fund

AEGEA HOLDINGS VENTURE CAPITAL, an investment fund, focuses on sophisticated asset management and the appreciation of a wide range of assets, including financial resources, real estate, securities, and bonds, as well as on diversifying the portfolio through various banking products. This fund combines a strategic approach to investments with in-depth market analysis to maximize the returns for its clients. It offers comprehensive services in asset management and appreciation, project financing, financial consulting, and development activities, thereby ensuring overall added value for its partners and investors.

Investment strategy

Our investment strategy is finely tuned, blending meticulously chosen assets with in-depth market analysis to secure superior returns for our clients. By closely monitoring long-term trends and swiftly responding to market fluctuations, we skillfully minimize risks, maximizing investor confidence and financial performance.

Product & services

We provide a broad spectrum of asset management and project financing solutions, custom-designed to align with our clients’ unique needs. Our approach fosters growth and prosperity by crafting personalized portfolios and strategic investment plans, directly supporting our clients’ visions for success.

performance goal

By guaranteeing transparent performance tracking, we consistently achieve competitive returns, regardless of market conditions. This approach nurtures long-term partnerships based on trust and shared success.


In 2024, the essence of our firm’s value shines through our carefully curated and resilient portfolio, featuring a blend of real estate, securities, bonds, and liquid assets. Our management philosophy is twofold: optimizing financial returns while safeguarding against market volatilities, a testament to our mastery and unwavering pursuit of excellence. Grounded in a profound analysis of market trajectories and meticulous scrutiny, we’re committed to delivering exceptional value that sets a new benchmark in asset management. Our holistic strategy underscores not just the robustness and equilibrium of our enterprise but also our resolute ambition to amplify the wealth of our investors, distinguishing our trajectory in the financial landscape throughout 2024.

Planned assets under management
for 2024

For the year 2024, we’re setting our sights on a strategic enhancement of our portfolio, targeting the inclusion of alternative investments, private equity, and sustainable funds. This expansion is designed to resonate with the shifting dynamics of the market and the evolving preferences of our clients. By engaging in rigorous planning and precise execution, our objective is to significantly broaden our diversification and optimize returns. Our unwavering commitment is to offer investment solutions that are not just customized but also maximally beneficial for our stakeholders, ensuring we continue to deliver value that exceeds expectations.

ASSETS CURRENTLY UNDER MANAGEMENT FOR 2024 by us and our partners within the holding group

In 2024, the essence of our firm’s value shines through our carefully curated and resilient portfolio, featuring a blend of real estate, securities, bonds, and liquid assets. Our management philosophy is twofold: optimizing financial returns while safeguarding against market volatilities, a testament to our mastery and unwavering pursuit of excellence. Grounded in a profound analysis of market trajectories and meticulous scrutiny, we’re committed to delivering exceptional value that sets a new benchmark in asset management. Our holistic strategy underscores not just the robustness and equilibrium of our enterprise but also our resolute ambition to amplify the wealth of our investors, distinguishing our trajectory in the financial landscape throughout 2024.

Planned assets under management
for 2026

For the year 2026, we’re setting our sights on a strategic enhancement of our portfolio, targeting the inclusion of alternative investments, private equity, and sustainable funds. This expansion is designed to resonate with the shifting dynamics of the market and the evolving preferences of our clients. By engaging in rigorous planning and precise execution, our objective is to significantly broaden our diversification and optimize returns. Our unwavering commitment is to offer investment solutions that are not just customized but also maximally beneficial for our stakeholders, ensuring we continue to deliver value that exceeds expectations.


Our portfolio of active projects spans an impressive array, including cutting-edge real estate developments, strategic venture capital investments, and key infrastructure initiatives. Every project is subject to a meticulous vetting process and strategic foresight, designed to resonate with our core investment objectives and our pledge to generate enduring returns. By adopting a forward-thinking stance and prioritizing innovation, our mission is to unlock growth potentials and forge substantial, long-term value for our partners and investors. This diverse and dynamic approach ensures we capture unique opportunities across various sectors and markets, aligning with the aspirations of discerning investors.

385 000 000 CZK

Czech republic, Green ENERGY

750 000 000 EUR

Maroco, Green CITY

48 000 000 EUR

Mexico, Marble MINING


Investiční fond, se zaměřuje na sofistikovanou správu majetku a zhodnocování širokého spektra aktiv, včetně finančních prostředků, nemovitostí, cenných papírů a bondů, stejně jako na diverzifikaci portfolia prostřednictvím různých bankovních produktů. Tento fond kombinuje strategický přístup k investicím s hloubkovou analýzou trhu, aby maximalizoval výnosy svých klientů. Nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti správy a zhodnocování aktiv, projektového financování, finančního poradenství a developerských aktivit, čímž zajišťuje celkovou přidanou hodnotu pro své partnery a investory

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.


Our portfolio of active projects spans an impressive array, including cutting-edge real estate developments, strategic venture capital investments, and key infrastructure initiatives. Every project is subject to a meticulous vetting process and strategic foresight, designed to resonate with our core investment objectives and our pledge to generate enduring returns. By adopting a forward-thinking stance and prioritizing innovation, our mission is to unlock growth potentials and forge substantial, long-term value for our partners and investors. This diverse and dynamic approach ensures we capture unique opportunities across various sectors and markets, aligning with the aspirations of discerning investors.

19 000 000 EUR


4 700 000 EUR


79 000 000 EUR



Investiční fond, se zaměřuje na sofistikovanou správu majetku a zhodnocování širokého spektra aktiv, včetně finančních prostředků, nemovitostí, cenných papírů a bondů, stejně jako na diverzifikaci portfolia prostřednictvím různých bankovních produktů. Tento fond kombinuje strategický přístup k investicím s hloubkovou analýzou trhu, aby maximalizoval výnosy svých klientů. Nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti správy a zhodnocování aktiv, projektového financování, finančního poradenství a developerských aktivit, čímž zajišťuje celkovou přidanou hodnotu pro své partnery a investory

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer.

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